From Writer/Director Alex Secker comes Follow The Crows, a post-apocalyptic thriller starring Max Curtis, Daniella Faircloth, Marcus Starr, Craig Fox, Matthew Mordak, Ashley Robson, Alex Pitcher, Tony Manders & Stu Jackson.


Long after the end of the world people wander the fields and woods that once housed the cities of Britain in search of food, shelter and anything that may help them survive.

One of these survivors is The Man, haunted by the terrible deeds he did in his youth he isolates himself from human contact. However, when he finds a Woman in need of his help, he inadvertently begins a relationship that will teach them both what it is to be human again.

Meanwhile, a crazed Killer stalks his victims, picking them off one by one, in a desperate search for vengeance and closure. As he approaches the end of his list he begins to consider what he will do when his task is complete and he has nothing left to live for.

A post-apocalyptic thriller, with elements of horror and drama, Follow The Crows is an unsettling look at a world stripped of technology and society, of humanity and the people whom inhabit this bleak, uncompromising and often violent world.


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