Friday 6 May 2016

Cast Interviews: Alex Pitcher

In the third of our Follow The Crows cast and crew interview series actor Alex Pitcher is put under the spotlight.

Through these interviews we hope to give you a more in-depth look at the process of making a film, and just what our cast and crew made of said process.

What character are you playing?

My character is only know as Fisherman #2. He's a man with a difficult past (in "the City") which put him in situations he was never very comfortable with. He was almost forced to participate in the actions of a very violent gang. My understanding is it was a case of "if you're not part of us then you're against us", and he would have been killed if caught trying to leave. Eventually, somehow, he found a way out and came across another lone-wanderer (Fisherman #1, played by Ashley Robson in a recast role) and they've been surviving together ever since. He's a man full of regret and repressed memories, trying to survive by learning from his trusted friend.

How did you prepare for the character?

As a stage-actor you usually get the entire script, you get to meet all the characters, have a fair idea of your environment and you know the beginning, middle and end of the entire story. With this you get a very strong idea of the characters' past, present and future. It's easy to prepare when you have all this information. For the role in Follow The Crows it was much more challenging. Alex Secker (the director) and Marc Starr (actor, producer) purposefully haven't revealed the whole story to anyone and so it was difficult to know the character's demographics. On the day of the shoot more information was revealed and discussed, but it still meant little time to prepare.

What can you tell us about the plot?

I can't reveal too much - because I don't know that much! From what I believe, there was an event and now a certain someone is going around and taking his revenge. I suspect the main character might wind up sacrificing himself to save someone else, perhaps in an "eye for and eye" type situation, but I'm just speculating. I can't wait to find out the whole story!

How have you found working on Follow The Crows?

It's been an excellent experience. This is my first role on film and it's been such fun! Everyone involved is like-minded, patient and always willing to give honest feedback. The best part, for me at least, was the comradery from everyone involved. it was a real team effort. The worst part? Such a hard question... we sat in the rain, hail, the cold and the dark for what felt like 12 hours (it was...). If I was sat in those conditions in any other situation I would have been pissed off, but doing-so with this team has just been superb fun!

Oh, and spiders. Fuck spiders!

How would you survive in a post-apocalyptic wasteland?

I would do very much the same as my character. Consider fish as my only source of food and keep moving.

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