Monday, 19 September 2016

The Cliff

Well this is an odd feeling. We're almost done.

Yep, that's right. I mean, we still have our ADR to do, and we still have our music to do, but for the most part, we're almost done. All that's left now if to begin the funding campaign.

Having spent such a long time working on this project it is an odd feeling to actually see the end in sight. So I thought, rather than feel sad that I'm running out of things to do, I'd instead look forward and see what there is that will still be happening.

Once our funding campaign is done and dusted we'll be doing the final polish of the film (including the aforementioned bits) and then we'll be releasing it into the wild, as it were.

We're planning on first entering some festivals, and we're aiming for fairly prestigious fair. I have a lot of faith in this film, and I try not to be bias when it comes to my own work, but I really do think that this is something special. It's a decent little thriller, with intrigue and something to say.

I realize it's next to impossible for me to be completely unbiased, and so I won't go into too much detail, but I do believe that it has legs, and at the very least it's bloody impressive that we managed to make the damn thing in the first place!

Yes, the odds were against us. We had no money, little experience, and we had to shoot at weekends, but here we are, with something that actually resembles a film, with a plot and everything, and it looks like it might actually work.

In a way I'm sad that we're nearly done, as the end rushes up on us like a drop off a cliff, but at the same time I can't help but feel a little excited to see where that cliff leads, and I'm hopeful that someone has put something soft out for a landing.

Here's to the next step!

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