Friday, 22 January 2016

Up and Down and Up Again

It's always nice when things go right. After the horrific experience that was our previous block of shooting, the cast and crew very kindly agreed to offer up their time for a night shoot. While this was disappointing (since we didn't get the shots we needed to begin with, thanks to some wonderful English weather) it did have a silver lining. This meant we could take a little more time shooting our final shots for the sequence, and that more effort could be put into lighting and look.

Thank God we did take the time and reschedule, because I don't think this shoot could have gone any better had we tried. Not only did everything work spectacularly, even the things that meant we fell back during the previous shoot worked this time round. At one point our fire was so bright and brilliant we didn't even need the use of lights!

But this isn't really a post about how well the shoot went, although I'd love to go on about it more, it's a post about how brilliant and dedicated our cast and crew really, truly are. Everyone, from the DoP, Darren Potter, to the runner, Ashley Robson, was on top form. I can't thank them enough for their efforts, it is because of them that we're going to have a phenomenal film on our hands.

Film-making can be an up and down emotional roller-coaster. Just last week I was close to tears (that's no lie) over how bad our shoot went. It wasn't that what we got was bad, if anything what we got was amazing, but the fact that we were unable to complete everything we had scheduled was depressing. I honestly felt like giving up. But I powered through the low and now, thanks to the efforts of my wonderful volunteers (and the cooperation of the English weather) we've got the shots and, dare I say, they're better than anything we could have hope for last time.

Yep. I'm most certainly on a high at the moment.

Time will tell if the rest of the film will be as turbulent, but my experience shooting shorts, music videos and corporate videos tells me that it certainly will be. But, for now I would like to give a shout out to all those people who worked their asses off, well into the night, to ensure that we got the best looking shots and sequences we could get. I can't wait to make a start on editing the footage.

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