Monday, 29 August 2016

Back on Set

It's always nice to get back out there and film, even if it is just a quick one. Recently we shot some stuff for our funding campaign, just some little "shorts" to keep the momentum going and release information while we ask for donations. So, nothing spectacular... unless you consider that kind of thing awe-inspiring.

But, I have to say, it was really, really nice to be back shooting with some of the guys from Follow The Crows. We had Max Curtis and Ashley Robson on hand as well as myself and Marcus Starr, the producer. We shot a few little things, all in once location, and a lot of it was improvised, but something struck me as we were filming.

It's incredible how quickly we all fell back into the groove.

We'd developed something of a rapport while working together on the movie. Not that we were mind-readers, or finishing each others sentences or anything, but we'd evolved a sort of short hand between, we'd know what would be needed and we'd be able to convey it quickly and easily. We had an understanding. I knew what Max needed to do the scene, he knew what I wanted, we had grown closer and the dialogue had grown with it.

What amazed me was, that after a couple of months of not filming (and not actually seeing each other), we were back shooting, and it was as if we'd never been away. It was nice, and there was a sort of atmosphere in the air that everyone was happy to be back, even if it was only for a day.

Hopefully that electricity will have been captured in the videos, and they'll serve to enhance the campaign, making it more fun and exciting, but even if it's not, it was pleasant to be back there for a little while doing what we love.

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