Monday 15 August 2016


Creating a funding campaign is a lot like making a cake. Mostly, I don't know how and I get really, really annoyed when things don't go my own way. But also because it takes a lot of preperation. A lot of preparation.

I've spent a big portion of the last few weeks designing our funding campaign, it's been an exciting experience, and as the time draws nearer and nearer to it actually launching I've found myself becoming more and more nervous. I haven't just whacked together some photos and a synopsis and stuck it on a indigogo page, I've designed things, created things, come up with ideas to keep the campaign interesting.

I researched, and then I researched some more, and then some more. I've put a lot of work into this, and I think I might break if it doesn't go well.

Of course, I'm not expecting it to, and you simply pick yourself up and move on to the next one, but it has been a bit of an eye-opener. It's not as simple as simply writing some things down, pressing publish and waiting for the money to roll in.

So, what exactly do we have planned during our funding campaign? Well, we've got a fair amount of different ideas, some of them good, some of them not so good, some of them will never come to pass, but we're trying to make sure that people are interested, and that it's worth actually donating some money to the project.

We've got the usual premiere tickets, DVDs, blu-rays and things, but we've also got some T-Shirts, some posters, some scripts, some figurines of the lead characters and a whole lot of behind the scenes material that will be available to certain donators.

We're putting a lot of effort in to making sure this campaign is as fun to watch and donate as it is to reap the rewards of, and the most important thing is that we'll be making the movie no matter what, the money is only going to make it better!

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